Surgery information

Find useful information about our surgery, the team, the support available and how to register as a patient below.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Always call 999 in a life-threatening emergency. Check when to call 999 HERE or call 111 to be advised, if you are unsure.  

Urgent Mental Health support is also available via: 

  • Samaritans 116 123 (free from mobile or landline) 
  • SHOUT - 24/7 text service - (Text Shout to 85258)  
  • SANE 4.30pm-10.30pm - 0300 304 7000 
  • Papyrus - for young adults 0800 068 4141  
  • Campaign against living miserably (CALM) for men – 0800 58 58 58 
  • Childline – 0800 1111 

MENTAL HEALTH CONNECT CORNWALL:dial 111 and select the Mental Health option 

DEVON FIRST RESPONSE:dial 111 and select the Mental Health option 

Surgery details

We are an NHS England surgery based in Bude. Find out more about our opening times and surgery details.

When we are closed

Find out who to contact when the Surgery is closed.

Register as a patient

You will need to make sure that you live within the local catchment area to become a patient at the surgery. You can use the website to find out more about joining the surgery and registering as a new patient.

Community hub

Find out more about the non-NHS services available in the community and the local area.

Meet the team

Our friendly team are here to help you. Together, we make sure your physical and mental health are looked after.

Surgery vacancies

If you’re looking for an opportunity in the healthcare profession, you can find our latest vacancies here.

Patient Participation Group

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of people who are patients of the surgery. They help us to work better together and play an active part in improving our services and quality of care to patients.

Visitor information

Find out more about healthcare services for visitors in Cornwall, including how to access GP support, pharmacies, urgent care, and emergency services.

Forces veterans

Find out more about our Veteran Friendly Practice services, helplines, and local support agencies, and let us know if you’re a veteran to ensure you receive the right care.