Named GP's for all patients

From April 2015 it is a contractual requirement that each of our patients has a named GP who is accountable for overseeing the care we provide for them.  Neetside Surgery has always registered our patients with a named GP and so all of our patients are already in the situation that they have an accountable GP.  If you are unsure of who you are registered with please just ask at reception and the team will quickly be able to tell you. You are of course able to see whichever GP you choose to, your named GP will be the person who has over responsibility for your care.

Over 75's

As part of the contract change for 2014-15, all patients aged 75 and over will have a named GP who will be responsible for the care and support that our surgery provides to them. We hope this will provide and continue to promote, the continuity of care for our patients who are over 75 years.

What does it mean for our patients aged 75 and over?

Your named GP will ensure that you receive the best possible level of care and support from our Surgery and will work with other relevant healthcare professionals, who are involved in your care, to ensure that your care meets your individual needs.

Although you are assigned to a particular GP on registering at the practice, if you prefer to see a different GP, and feel you would rather they were your named GP, then please let us know. You can be confident that all our GPs and clinical staff will have access to your up-to-date medical records and so will be fully informed about your healthcare needs.